A Selection of
Case Studies
Please find three examples of recent projects we have successfully undertaken.

Halo Leisure, Hereford
Client: E G Carter & Co Property Services
Electrical Package
Project Value: £1m Major Loss Insurance
EIS Midlands Ltd was called to Halo Leisure to assist with a major loss insurance issue following substantial ingress of water into the main plant rooms and office area.
EIS Midlands carried out emergency isolation of affected equipment including the electrical mains panel that had suffered water ingress. Within a short space of time, temporary electrical supplies, lighting and small power were installed by us to assist with the survey works. Surveys and reports were produced by EIS to assist the later appointed M&E Consultants.
EIS Midlands then installed new services including lighting within the plant room, fire alarm system throughout and a new mains panel was relocated to a higher level. New lighting, small power and distribution were installed to offices and all affected areas.

Phase 2 Units at Kingsditch Trading Estate, Cheltenham
Client: Henry W Pollard & Sons Ltd
Electrical and Mechanical Package
Project Value: £299k
EIS Midlands has been awarded the complete M&E package for this project working alongside Henry W Pollard & Sons Ltd to deliver the new office/warehouse units at Kingsditch Trading Estate, Cheltenham.
The units are a modern make up and EIS Midlands Ltd has been appointed to deliver the complete M&E services including design, installation of distribution, lighting, small power, fire alarm, hot and cold water services, AHUs and complete AC systems.

Alderman Knight School, Post 16 Building- Phase 2
Client: EG Carter & Co Major Works
Electrical Package
Project Value: £100k
Following EIS Midlands Ltd successful completion of Phase 1 at Alderman Knight School, we were delighted to be awarded Phase 2 of the project, working alongside EG Carter & Co Ltd, to deliver modern learning facilities for the students at the school.
EIS Midlands Ltd has been appointed the main electrical contractor to install the complete electrical services including distribution, lighting, small power, data networking, access control and fire alarm to the new extension which comprises of new classrooms, conference rooms and a new reception area.
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EIS Midlands Ltd
Unit 7 Duddage Business Park
Brockeridge Road
GL20 6BY
t: 01684 291275